Portfolio Dashboards
Insightful portfolio and project risk management dashboards.
Understand your portfolio risks with the Spyder, Wheel, and Scatter Plot.
Determine and analyze portfolio and project risk exposures.
View the top risk ranked projects in your portfolio.
View the entire portfolio of projects on a map with their locational risks and GIS data layers.
Risk Templates
Manage risk templates for each project type.
Generate risk assessments using industry standard risk templates.
Risk scores are calculated by pre-determined risk element values.
Identify standard descriptions and mitigation considerations.
Configure phases/stage gates which are incorporated into the risk scoring.
Project Schedule
Load project schedule data (Primavera, Project, etc.) to utilize for simulation analytics.
View the project schedule Gantt chart and critical paths.
Generate probabilistic outcomes and task sensitivities with Monte Carlo simulations.
View detailed histograms displaying simulation results for the schedule and budget impacts.
Risk Register
Automatically generate a risk register by selecting pre-identified at risk elements.
Manage risk events with pre-configured impact and mitigation action considerations.
Update the risk register as your project progresses and mitigation is occurring.
Experience the Risk Assessment Profiler (RAP)
RAP (Risk Assessment Profiler) is a platform tool for conducting risk-based portfolio and project management.